Veni Sancte Spiritus

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SATB/SATB Double Choir, with soli SATB quartet
a cappella
rev. 2012
6:45 min.

Commissioned by: The Dale Warland Singers, with major funding provided by the Jerome Foundation with additional support from the Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University


Veni, Sancte Spiritus,
Et emitte coelitus
Lucis tuae radium.
Veni, pater pauperum,
Veni, dator munerum,
Veni, lumen cordium.
Come, Holy Spirit,
Send forth from heaven
The ray of thy light.
Come, Father of the poor,
Come, Giver of gifts,
Come, Light of our hearts.

Consulator optime,
Dulcis hospes animae,
Dulce refrigerium.
In labore requies,
In aestu temperies,
In fletu solatium.
Thou best of Counselors,
Sweet guest of our soul,
Sweet refreshment.
In labor, thou art rest,
In heat, the tempering,
In grief, the consolation.

O lux beatissima,
Reple cordis intima
Tuorum fidelium.
Sine tuo numine,
Nihil est in homine,
Nihil est innoxium.
O light most blessed,
Fill the innermost hearts
Of all thy faithful.
Without your grace,
There is nothing is us,
Nothing that is harmless.

Da tuis fidelibus,
In te confidentibus,
Sacrum septenarium.
Da virtutis meritum,
Da salutis exitum,
Da perenne gaudium.
Grant to thy faithful,
Those trusting in thee,
Thy sacred seven-fold gifts.
Grant the reward of virtue,
Grant the deliverance of salvation,
Grant everlasting joy!

The sequence for Pentecost
Stephen Langton (d. 1228)


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